A water hike on the Werra!

Something is going on in Hann. Münden, because the three-river town is embraced by water and kissed by the rivers Werra and Fulda, which flow together to form the Weser. Passionate, don't you think!? My love of water is really big and there is hardly a water sport that I haven't tried yet. How good that Hann. Münden has so many different water activities to offer. Whether it's a water hike, a boat trip on the MS Weserstein, a trip on a motorboat, active on a SUP while stand-up paddling, rowing together, relaxed while fishing and wild while waterskiing - everything is possible in Hann. Münden. A true paradise for all water sports enthusiasts and water fanatics!
A water hike on the Werra in bright sunshine!
Now that the temperatures are rising and summer is already within reach, I would like to take the opportunity to go on a water hike on the Werra. Being outside, enjoying nature, that's an absolute pleasure after such a long winter, don't you think?
A canoe trip has been at the top of my to-do list for a long time. Since the Werra ends in Hann. Münden and I naturally want to go downstream, I get on in the cherry town of Witzenhausen.
You can hire a single and double kayak, canoe and canoe for groups from Kanu-Schumacher and Kanutouristik Mitte. If you have any questions, please contact the Tourist Information.
My single kayak is booked and off I go. I pack my things early in the morning and head for Witzenhausen, where about 100,000 cherry trees are in full bloom at the beginning of May. Arriving at the jetty of the Kanu Club Witzenhausen, I get a short briefing before I can get on board. Then off we go - yay! Finally on the water.
There is a lot to see on the route!
Downstream and with a slight current, the trip is easily doable even for me. Since this is not my first canoe trip, I get the hang of it after a few minutes and can enjoy the tour to the full. The Werra runs alongside idyllic little villages and a wonderfully beautiful landscape.
I just let myself drift and watch a family of swans accompanying me for a bit. I tell you, it's relaxing and I haven't felt so connected to nature in a long time. After about 11.5 km and 1 ½ hour of riding, I reach the state border of Hesse and Lower Saxony at Hedemünden, now half of the route is already behind me. At a fork in the river, I cycle left along a narrow branch, where a swift current provides a feeling of adventure.
Now it gets wild on the Werra.
After a few more kilometres I reach the Spiegelburg campsite, where all the water-skiing enthusiasts are also taking advantage of the great weather for a wild ride. It's really exciting to watch them. If you've always wanted to go waterskiing, you can book a trial course at the Hann. Münden Waterski WMC. Highly recommended! But now I've let myself be distracted enough and I'm off to the hydroelectric power station with a disused lock, which means - once around. The boat trolley is a great help and the short shore leave comes in handy. I take advantage of this opportunity to get off the boat for a little refreshment on the shore before continuing.
Refreshed and on to Hann. Münden
The last few kilometres take me along the Münden nature reserve until I finally reach our three-river town. Past the Guelph Castle, which looks even more impressive from the water to the old Werra Bridge. Here I reach a final barrage at the large weirs and next to the Blume power station comes another transfer point. Then it's about 350 m to the boat landing stage at Tanzwerder, the exit point and end of my Werra water hike.
After this exciting tour, I arrived dry and overjoyed after about 4 hours. This calls for a repeat! It's a good thing that other rivers in the adventure region are waiting for me.
Because at the Weserstein at the tip of the Tanzwerder, the Werra joins the Fulda in Hann. Münden and flows further north as the Weser. This is where the Weser water hike begins, on which you reach Bremerhaven and the North Sea after about 430 river kilometres. A canoe trip on the Fulda from the Rhön to Hann. Münden (approx. 96 km) is also highly recommended. Fulda's calm waters make it particularly suitable for families.
For me, this trip ends today in Hann. Münden and my kayak will be collected as agreed.
More water adventures await you!
The excursion boat, the MS Weserstein, is also moored at the Weserstein. You can take round trips, charter trips and event trips on the Fulda and Weser from May to October. You can also reflect on your day over a glass of wine or a delicious cocktail and end the evening in a relaxed atmosphere.
Before I head home, I treat myself to ice cream and watch a group of people SUP from the shore. That's definitely on my bucket list - a tour with a stand-up paddleboard on the Fulda and Weser. You can rent the boards from the Münden Canoe Club. It's a wobbly affair, though, if you've never stood on a SUP before, and you definitely shouldn't be afraid of the water. It's so much fun! Beginners' courses are also offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 pm.
Werra, Fulda, Weser and all the information you need for your water adventure!
So if you just want to let yourself drift, then the Hann. Münden adventure region is the place for you. You can find all the information about the various water activities at hann.muenden-erlebnisregion.de/aktivurlaub-camping/wassersport or the Tourist Information Office in Hann. Münden. We look forward to your visit!