Tierpark Sababurg - Exciting Wildlife Park in the Reinhardswald
The Sababurg Wildlife Park is a wildlife park on the Sababurg in the Reinhardswald. It was established as a zoo in 1571 and has been known as the Sababurg Zoo since 1973. With an area of around 130 ha, it is one of the largest and oldest wildlife parks in Europe. In beautiful surroundings in the middle of the Reinhardswald forest in northern Hesse, you can marvel at around 80 animal species. The park is home to many endangered species. Spacious open-air enclosures are designed to keep them in a manner appropriate to their species. Many enclosures even have contact areas where you can get very close to the animals.Great diversity of species in the Sababurg Zoo
The great diversity of animal species in the Sababurg Zoo is brought to your attention by means of various themed areas.Native wild animals that are threatened with extinction and farm animal breeds that resemble their extinct ancestors are kept on the grounds of the primeval game park. In addition to Heck cattle, wild horses, wolves and lynxes, these include reindeer and bison (European bison). With its huge area, the primeval game park makes up the largest part of the zoo.
In the area of the archepark and the farm that has been part of it since 2006, old domestic and farm animal breeds that have lost their usefulness for agriculture and are threatened with extinction are brought to the fore. Here visitors can learn more about the rearing and keeping of the animals.
The children's zoo consists of various petting animal enclosures and invites small, but also large visitors to pet and feed the animal inhabitants. In addition to classic petting animals such as rabbits and goats, you can also get close to exotic species such as budgies, meerkats, Humboldt penguins and Bennet wallabies (kangaroos) in walk-in enclosures.
In addition to the area of the primeval game park, the archepark and the children's zoo, there is also a bird of prey station, a water fowl enclosure and a bee world at Sababurg Zoo. In the bird of prey station on the Burgberg, regular flight shows take place from March to November, in which birds of prey such as falcons, buzzards and eagles, but also owls, demonstrate their flying skills to visitors. In the bird meadow of the water fowl enclosure you can marvel at ducks, geese and storks in their natural habitat and get to know their life and behaviour better. Several bee colonies are kept in the Bee World, which is run by the Hofgeismar Beekeepers' Association. Here you can learn more about bees, wasps, bumblebees and hornets at several stations in a playful way and with the help of exhibits and information boards.
Sights worth seeing near Sababurg Zoo
After your visit to Sababurg Zoo, you can visit the Sababurg primeval forest and Sleeping Beauty Castle, which are in the immediate vicinity.The Sababurg primeval forest is located in the centre of the Reinhardswald and is therefore also known as the primeval forest in the Reinhardswald. Strictly speaking, this is not a typical primeval forest, but a forest area that emerged from a hute forest. After being used as pasture for livestock, the area was hardly if at all managed for forestry, so that the trees are now undergoing the natural ageing and renewal processes that are typical of primeval forests. The forest area has been under nature and landscape protection for a long time.
The Sleeping Beauty Castle Sababurg is the ruin of a high castle, which can also be found in the Reinhardswald. The castle was first built in the 14th century to protect pilgrims as a "Zappenburg" and was later converted into a "Zapfenburg" hunting lodge. The complex has since been restored and houses a hotel.