© CC-BY | Robert Jentzsch

Cabaret theatre Berliner Distel "Who turned the world upside down"?

In 23 days

Short facts

Cabaret without rose-tinted spectacles

With the new programme "Wer hat an der Welt gedreht" ("Who turned the world upside down"), the Distel asks: Where is the journey going? Surely things can't go on like this for the coming challenges of our world! But everything was going so well: Germany was always on the sunny side of globalisation! Cheap flights to the south in cheap fashion from the south. Energy for little coal from the East. In the evening, we first go out for a Syrian meal and then, out of curiosity, watch war on "ZDF History" or inflation on "Babylon Berlin". And when our conscience bothered us, we sent our kids to "Fridays for Future", went to the cabaret ourselves and laughed good-humouredly about our disastrous mistakes. GONE!

Now more than half of Germans would rather live in the past. Yet in the past we always favoured the future.
With "Wer hat an der Welt gedreht"?, the audience can expect a fast-paced journey through the issues of our time and their distortions, zapping back and forth between electromobility, political correctness and the Tyrannosaurus Rex. And all against the backdrop of a disease that violates international law and an invincible war - or vice versa. And by the way: what is climate change actually doing?

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Welfenschloss, Rittersaal
Schlossplatz 10
34346 Hann. Münden

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