On the initiative of the Landschaftspflegeverband Landkreis Göttingen e.V., a 2-hectare orchard with around 60 different types of fruit is being created near the barbecue area.
Short facts
- Hann. Münden
The Landscape Conservation Association has been working for years to find the varieties still present in the older orchards, have them identified and secure them in variety gardens for the long term. This is about: - Varietal diversity as a cultural asset and showcase of the farming economy of earlier generations, - Preservation of the biological diversity of varieties where they occur, - Safeguarding of genetic resources, including for uses that are no longer known today and where knowledge must first be regained, - School education and experiential education.
On the map
Obst-Sortengarten Lippoldshausen
Am Grillplatz 0
34346 Hann. Münden
Phone: (05 51) 53 13 70 3
E-mail: lpv@lpv-goettingen.de
Website: www.lpv-goettingen.de