- Speakers: Jutta Lieb, mushroom coach, certified nature and landscape guide, Andreas Borchert, current owner of the former forester's lodge
- Meeting point: Zum Sportplatz, 37127 Meensen
- Time: 2 - 5 pm
- Cost: €7.50, a donation for coffee and cake is requested
Around the Brackenburg with coffee and cake
In 188 days
Short facts
- Scheden
- 14.09.2025Dates overview
- 14:00 - 17:00
Old cross stones and lime trees give an idea of how the landscape around Brackenburg Castle once looked and was used very differently. In addition to the visible traces of change in the (cultural) landscape - including the sand quarries - there are some things that you won't find without the corresponding clues. We hike with a view of the Brackenberg and open our eyes to the hidden. Over coffee and cake, we learn about the history of the Amtshof and the Brackenberg forestry farm as well as the vanished village of Vriemeensen.
All dates
General information
- Registration required
- Target Group Adult
- Target Group the Elderly
- for individual guests
- German
- chargeable
Price Info: 7,50 €, a donation for coffee and cake is requested
Naturpark Münden e. V.
Mitscherlichstraße 5
34346 Hann. Münden
Phone: 05541 9096755
Website: www.naturpark-muenden.de